Hijra Rights
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) opens with the simple but powerful statement that ‘All members of the human family’ have equal and inalienable rights, an affirmation that should be seen as of the most significant legacies of the 20th century. The pivotal motto of this activity is to promote and enlighten individuals as well as organizations those are suffering on ‘Bisexual and Transgender’ rights. The project will try to establish: equal right to life; equal freedom from arbitrary arrest; equal freedom from torture and ill-treatment; equal freedom of expression and association; equality before the law; and equity in dignity and rights amongst Hijra community.
Small group of Hijras are found all over Bangladesh. They suffer from different types of social and political marginalization. The policy makers have never seriously paid any attention to their problems. They also expressed that all the hijra communities in the country are discriminated against, only due to their gender identity or sexual behavior. They exclusively discussed about their problems with regard to their gender. Hijra communities have violated their fundamental rights as citizens of this country. Lack of education is a major problem for them, because of which they are not aware of their Human Rights. They have no minimum basic needs, because of their different behavior they are neglecting from shelter, work, education and expression of their own. The main goal of the project is to empower the Hijras and establish equal rights in the Hijra community.
The major activities of the programs are as follows:
- Promote human rights education amongst Bisexual and Transgender community through training & recreational cultural activities and also build up a sense of urgency based on their rights.
- Empower bisexual and transgender (Hijra) people through network, linkage and cooperative professional association.
- Strengthen and promote bisexual and transgender (Hijra) organizations.
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